Changes to our practice appointment system

We are currently in the process of going back to a more traditional model where we offer more face to face appointments. These are bookable from 2 days in advance to 6 weeks in advance.

Urgent care

Urgent care on the day is managed by our advanced nurse practitioner, who will be supported by a duty doctor. These appointments are limited, so when the service is at capacity patients will be directed to other urgent care services, such as NHS 111.

Before phoning the surgery – pause, think and question:

  • Is this really urgent for today.
  • Can I go to the local pharmacy for treatment and advice.
  • You can always call nhs111 for a medical emergency when you are unsure what to do.
  • Visit for urgent medical advice for people aged 5 and over
  • Visit a sexual health clinic for testing for sexually transmitted infections and contraception advice.

We firmly believe these changes are a positive change and will allow us to continue to offer high quality clinical care.