Changes To Our Team And Appointment Demand

The NHS has and continues to see unprecedented demand on its services and Primary Care is no different to that. You will all have seen Media coverage that we are not seeing patients Face to Face. This is untrue and here at Longlevens we are working incredibly hard and at least 40% harder with the same or less resource. This is not just clinical staff but our Admin/Reception teams are at a limit.

That said we are making inroads to hopefully improving things for ourselves and patients.

Over the next few months we have new clinicians joining us; Dr Bowen in November who will be working two days a week, a new lady Doctor in January Dr James and finally a new Advanced Nurse Practioner Sophie who also comes to our team in November. With new staff our model of working has to change and although we know availability is short at the moment; a short term pain will we truly hope be a longer term gain. Please bear with us.

Our ANPs Garrett and Sophie will work across the week and will in the main be the first point of contact for a patient with an acute problem i.e. something that needs help today. Not something you might have had for 6 months unless there is a change. For those type of problems a routine appointment will be offered and going forward we will be giving patients that choice of face to face or a telephone appointment. For some a face to face is important but for others a telephone call is actually more efficient and resolves the problem fully.

Our Doctors need to focus fully on patients with ongoing chronic disease and to get them the support which is often more complex they need.

Do not forget there is a wealth of help available outside Primary Care. Local Pharmacy, Minor Illness units, self-help, over the counter medicines if appropriate.

We all remember being able to access a Doctor very easily but unfortunately times have changed with number of Doctors reducing. What we need to do is cherish what we have and you as a patient can help that.

We would also like to ask for respect to our team at all time. Rudeness, aggression and demands will unfortunately not be tolerated.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support. If you have family members that do not use social media please do share this news with them.

Gill Hawlins, Managing Partner